Who We Are

A wife and husband team, with a passion for bringing life back into properties across the Midlands. Having renovated our first home together in 2017, we quickly found our second love in bricks and mortar (don’t tell our two boys).

With over 10 years experience in Marketing, Georgia has a keen eye on the numbers as well as the interiors - you’ll often find her armed with a spreadsheet and a paint brush… Will is the planner, with a Masters degree in Project Management and a background in engineering, he brings practical knowledge and skills to the project (as well as coffees and sausage rolls).

As a team, we hold strong values in delivering quality, sustainable spaces that anyone would be proud to call home. We put careful consideration into every space to ensure the layout and interiors meet the needs of modern buyers. But what goes into achieving this is just as important to us - the relationships we build with stakeholders and suppliers are crucial (after all, we’re in a pretty important one ourselves), so we know transparency, professionalism and a good cuppa go a long way!

What we do

  • It all starts with sourcing the right property. We use market insights and data, along with our strong relationships with local estate agents, to ensure we find the right space, within the right areas for the right end buyer.

  • This is where the hard work really starts, but it’s what we love. Taking the space back to brick and breathing life back into the property. We ensure the highest quality across our refurb, from our choice of contractors and suppliers, through to finishes and details. Yes there will always be bumps along the way, but our transparent approach means we always keep our values at the heart of any project.

  • We aim to always deliver on our mission to create comfortable, memorable and high quality spaces for modern buyers - if we get invited back for a cuppa then that’s an added bonus!